Subject: Oil and Gas Producer Fuel Regulation Proposal
From: Tyler Rowland

Mar. 28, 2022

To Whom this May Concern, 

This is the most redundant piece of garbage ever proposed by the SEC. Climate Change is occurring and will occur into the future and beyond. Yes technology will eventually catchup to societal needs at some point. 
That being said. Oil, Gas, Fuel and all industrial manufactures in the US are already subject to the most stringent regulations and those reports are all available to the Public. Through the Toxic Release Inventory, Green House Gas reports and other EPA and State reporting tools that are available to the public. Car manufactures already provide an annual emissions estimate based on miles driven and gas consumption at time of purchase and in a used car report. To add this additional standard on only fuel providers is a heavy handed attempt to cloud the climate change narrative and show just how much fuel was purchased by the public and make them the responsible party for consumer demand, travel and work consumption, when they already provide the basis for the production and cost of refining oil to make the various Petroleum based products we all consume. Examples being fertilizer, nylon, gortex, and of course plastic.  

Lets at least apply the same standard then to all "renewable" sources, from gas, or fuel required to produce the steel, carbon fiber, adhesive, rare earth metal content and of course the fuel required to mine and smelt and refine the metal to be useful in the turbine that produces the electricity when the wind blows and the exact efficiency based off of the knowledge for that power that is produced only when the wind is a certain speed. As we all know wind turbine a most efficient when the wind is between 20-40mph. Once the wind speed is consistently above 45mph the blades must be locked to prevent damage to the wind turbine. Yes the small ones can operate in windier conditions but do not compare to the electrical out put of the mega wind turbine.  

Next you should do the exact same requirement on solar panels, Silver mined and the fuel and gas used to make one solar panel and then the amount to refine the metal to its most efficient state. Then the payback time the panel must survive to meet the cost of production and gas, fuel to get the panel to market. Most consumers being smart already know that is part of what makes the cost what it is. But since you want this to be about climate change that all needs to be spelled out for the consumer. 

Last you need to tackle the green renewable energy sector and discuss the ratio of whole trees to chipped trees burned the CO2 from these exempted power producers. The acres of trees used to produce the power and the full fuel and green house gas emissions from there logging to be being incinerated. Also why none of these sights can take wood from orchards, due to their residual pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer residual which would cause even more harm to the environment and cause them to fail any emissions testing if utilized. Yet through agricultural exemptions this material is set a blaze spewing all of this junk into the atmosphere annually by the 100's of tons in California alone. 

This is a garbage report and any investor who understands the world knows this is just the Government pandering to the narrative of Oil and Gas production being the root of all evil. This is the worst regulation the SEC has ever come up with and should be shelved on the basis that every thing humans consume, manufacture, construct, and package all cause an impact to the planet and will impact climate change. If the SEC is so concerned that the consumer is unaware of their own impact you might as well just ask for a tax to be paid for every car, boat, truck, ship and airplane purchased. Oh wait there is an annual registration fee. 

Stop pandering and actually do your job. 2008 happened because you allowed derivative trading of absolute junk, which still is on going and is being accelerated by inflation which is going to crash the next bubble which won't be fuel or cars. It is absolutely insane for the Securities Exchange Commission to be involved in Climate Policy or to advocate for bogus "green alternatives" when all the information you are requiring can be found from the Car Manufactures and all consumers are aware our driving causes the release of Green House Gases, but in reality everything even making the so called "green alternatives" have a huge down side in their production and use. 

Tyler Rowland