Subject: S7-10-22 Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures
From: Terry Voorhis

Mar. 24, 2022

I fully support the proposed requirements of S7-10-22.  Climate change is a material business risk, & becoming evermore so.  Living on the West coast I have personally experienced the increasingly severe wildfires, like the one that PG&E was found responsible for.  

The droughts, hurricanes, heat domes, & polar vortexes are disrupting business models.  This impact will only increase in the near term & investors need accurate and standardized information in order to properly assess these risks. 

As an investor I consistently vote for investor initiatives requiring companies to report their greenhouse gas emissions & their climate risk assessments; e.g. Berkshire Hathaway currently has such a proposal before it. 

Thank you, 
Terry Voorhis