Subject: File Number S7-10-22
From: Caleb Merendino

Mar. 24, 2022

The following statement from the Sierra Club are my exact thoughts. I stand behind their statement as follows: 

“Today the SEC took the long-overdue step of proposing a solution to the problem of undisclosed climate risks,” said Ben Cushing, Campaign Manager for the Sierra Club’s Fossil-Free Finance campaign. “Investors and the public deserve to know the climate-related risks that companies face and how they are being addressed. This is especially important given how many companies have made commitments to address their climate impact without disclosing the full scope of their emissions, the risks their own businesses face from climate change, or the relevant business plans to achieve their climate pledges. Understanding and mitigating growing climate risks is critical to building a stronger financial system and protecting investors and communities from climate-related shocks. We look forward to closely reviewing this proposal and offering suggestions to strengthen it, and we urge the SEC to move quickly to finalize the strongest rule possible.”