Subject: S7-10-22
From: Peter Smalley

Mar. 23, 2022

I am an ordinary citizen concerned about the apparent lack of progress in meaningful steps to combat climate change. I have no technical expertise, and am happy to leave that to others, like your commission. I have just read a long piece in the news about your recent issuance of proposed new reporting requirements for polluting industries. It looked to me that the new requirements were many, severe, burdensome, and comprehensive in the extreme. To this I say GOOD! If our species is to continue to enjoy the benefits of existing on our beautiful planet, we need to act together and to force those who would choose profit over survival to act responsibly with all the rest of us.
Please enact these requirements, and do even more. There is no time to lose.
Thank you for this opportunity to comment,
Peter Smalley
Berkeley, California