Subject: Comments on S7-10-22 - The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors
From: Anthony Conte

Mar. 21, 2022

To the Securities and Exchange Commission:

I am vehemently opposed to this outrageous proposal because it goes far beyond the SEC's legal authority to protect investors and will merely provide ammunition to left-wing activists and irresponsible law firms to sue companies over their alleged carbon emissions. 

The SEC was enacted primarily to protect small investors like myself from corporate malfeasance, but this proposal goes far beyond the SEC's legislative authority and represents an effort to enact politically controversial social policy that belongs in the realm of the US Congress by means of bureaucratic regulation. 

I urge the SEC to reconsider and withdraw this regulation before it causes untold losses to companies and their investors.

I attempted to file these comments on the SEC webpage but was unable to submit them because of a page malfunction.


Anthony Conte