Subject: File No. S7-10-22
From: Marilyn Gooch
Affiliation: HR office staffer

April 29, 2022

I support in principle the SEC plan to require traded companies to reveal the extent to which they are affected by climate change and the extent to which they affect global warming with greenhouse gas emissions themselves.
It seems only fair that investors should be able to assess risks before investing in a company, and climate change poses ever-growing risks for everyone.
I, however, am even more interested in what this kind of reporting could mean for our ability to push, or shame, businesses into cleaning up their operations and/or change business partners in order reduce their negative effects on our climate and our health. I'll refer to Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island, who was recently quoted citing an old saying in business: 'What gets measured gets managed.'
Finally, about Scope 3 disclosures, I believe that it should not be left entirely to self-interested companies to decide what is material here. I urge that the new rules, at the least, require traded companies to disclose the levels and types of greenhouse gas emissions their biggest partners are responsible for.
Thank you.