Subject: File No. S7-10-22
From: Will Rynearson

April 27, 2022

To whom it may concern,

I fully support this proposed rule. As a US citizen with advanced studies in Sustainable Development who is working in the environmental sector, it is clear that standardized, transparent reporting is key to meeting the Paris Agreement. It is in the best interest of companies, investors, citizens, customers, and the planet to fully and transparently report on environmental impacts, including Scope 3 emissions. Without transparent disclosure, this environmental impact becomes an externalized cost borne by marginalized communities worldwide. Currently, some companies see full disclosure as a disadvantage, since their competitors can externalize more of their costs. While this is a short-sided opinion currently, this proposed rule will instead incentivize companies to report fully and truthfully.

I hope to see this rule enacted in its full form. Reporting costs are minimal, but inaction is incalculably detrimental.

Thank you.