Subject: File No. S7-10-22
From: Joy Loving

April 25, 2022

As an investor who has studied and been concerned about the economic, health, cultural, and other negative affects resulting from the climate crisis, I support the SEC's proposed rule, with these caveats:
Scope 3 emissions reporting should not be protected from litigation.
Phasing in of Scope 3 auditing should not extend to 3 years and should occur within 2 years of final rules publication.

Accountability of investor-owned companies, regardless of size, should extend to Scope 3 companies. They are in control of their supply chain and of how they develop and implement rules governing the entities with which they choose to do business. Delaying the effective date of Scope 3 auditing for three years allows for too much further degradation of the world-wide environment.

I urge the SEC to alter the Scope 3 rules as noted above. I thank the SEC for setting these essential requirements.