Subject: File No. S7-10-22
From: Barbara Croyle

April 23, 2022

The SEC is meant to ensure that publicly traded companies do not mislead the public as to their financial situation, management and leadership.
It is not to be environmental watchdogs. The proposed rule would be an impossible burden on these companies, their suppliers, customers and others. It would increase the SEC reach beyond the publicly traded companies to even those not currently under the SEC purview. The rule is vague in its definition and measurement of greenhouse gas emission and requirements for compliance. This attempt to regulate climate change is major overreach by unelected agents.
The new requirements will increase the cost of doing business which costs will be passed down to the ultimate consumer, the citizen. Everyday people are already dealing with massive inflation and this proposed rule will not do anything to impact climate change, which is still a debatable topic, regardless of the efforts of some to scare everyone to death. If this rule is put into effect, it will be another indication of this administration's lack of concern for the people.