Subject: File No. S7-10-22
From: John Patrick Amott
Affiliation: Concerned Citizen

April 23, 2022

I support the proposed rule change by the SEC. Today's consumer and investor is much more aware of their purchases and investments as it relates to climate change. Along with that, our choices to support or withhold support of various products and corporations, based on their commitment (or lack of commitment) to mitigate and lower their respective GHG emissions. I agree with the intent of this rule: to provide greater transparency to investors as they navigate the public disclosures of climate related risks. Most important to me is the GHG emissions identified in Scope 1,2,3. Scope 1 identifying the emissions from direct activities, i.e. fuel used by the facility or company vehicles. Scope 2, the emissions from procured electricity. Not including offsets. And Scope 3, emissions from indirect sources within the company supply chain.
I look forward to following to this proposed rule change as it makes it's way forward in the rulemaking process.