Subject: File No. S7-10-22
From: Angela Many
Affiliation: U.S. citizen

April 20, 2022

This proposed regulation would be a nightmare for businesses, which would raise costs for all consumers. The federal government has already caused a 10% inflation rate, and those of us in in the lower and middle income classes are already struggling to make ends meet because of these increased costs in our daily lives. I do not believe that this will accomplish anything to combat 'climate change' and it will certainly harm most Americans. In addition, it will be nearly impossible for many businesses to accurately compute their 'climate emissions' data, which will set them up to be lawsuit targets for anyone who wants to claim that their reports are not completely accurate, as well as regulatory penalty targets. Please consider the unnecessary monetary effects that this will have on all publicly-traded businesses and the very negative 'trickle-down' effect it will have on 'we the people'.