Subject: File No. S7-10-22
From: Fred Lambing

April 20, 2022

I strongly urge you not to promulgate this rule.
I have read several articles on the extreme cost effect that this rule will have on businesses required to implement it, which costs, as you well already know, will be passed on to Americans, especially the working class.
This is particularly egregious in case of food and food related products. It should not need stating, but many Americans live at, or just above the poverty line, having to decide each month which bills to pay and which to defer to the following month, while still feeding their families and trying to ensure their utilities are not shut off.
The enormous increase in costs for necessaries alone, not even considering luxury goods, will force many Americans out of their homes and small businesses.
This is indisputable and you know it is. Therefore one must ask, why would you even consider hoisting this massive liability on the American people?
Do not promulgate this rule.