Subject: File No. S7-10-22
From: Andrew Pokelwaldt
Affiliation: Senior Professional in Human Resources

March 31, 2022

Concerns on various areas of these rules. Add significant burden, expense and challenges to United States industry. Highly objective regulatory framework with ever changing influences can be devastating to economic growth. Large industry with huge budgets can manipulate the regulatory and reporting framework with large legal teams and disclosure data manipulation with complex software and the ability to hide and minimize foreign labor and unregulated overseas companies. The SEC is significantly advantaging Chinese Communist owned companies and other bad actors with current exception to rules and this is going to expand that. These rules will add significant politically driven agendas and costs into market manipulation and additional Federal disruption. Real enforcement of current law is needed before the SEC takes on other unproven regulatory burdens. Rules will be terrible for American workers, investors and companies because they select only partial measurements that are subject to heavy lobbying and political manipulation.

Please reconsider the added expenses, burden, U.S. worker costs in jobs along with inability of Federal oversight to be effective or impartial.