Subject: File No. S7-10-22
From: Abraham Schoenig
Affiliation: Computer Systems Engineer

March 26, 2022

The climate disclosure as a requirement is unacceptable. Climate disclosure as an option could be ok. Using climate disclosure as a tool to control corporations or investment opportunities is down right criminal. If my company uses a lot of electricity, you do have the right to impose some sort of penalty because you do not agree with my business practices. This disclosure is type of control. It will be used to say who can run thier business and who can't. You will use it to pick winners and losers. With that said if a company wants to pay and submit a study on their own, then that is fine. I will never submit such a disclosure, even if you manage to make it a law. There is absolutely no reason to mandate the climate disclosure in the investment arena. This type of disclosure is and should remain forever outside of the SEC's purview. It has no place there.