Subject: File No. S7-10-22
From: David Jung
Affiliation: Environmental Insurance Underwriter

March 24, 2022

Because climate science is full of fraud and political influence, any attempt to quantify the financial impact of a changing climate is completely useless. For example: According to the IPCC, there is no conclusive evidence that weather events are becoming more frequent or intense in strength. If one looks at sea level for example: in general, sea level has been rising approximately 3mm per year since the end of the last ice age. There has been no increase in the rate of sea level rise that can be associated with the burning of fossil fuels or the release of Co2. If one looks at the NOAA data for hurricanes and tornadoes: there has been no increase in the frequency or severity of these storms that can be attributed to anthropogenic climate change. Yet, despite a complete lack of evidence, politicians and the media continue to push false narratives that climate change is causing all sorts of negative impacts. compliance with this rule would cause an enormous waste of resources for companies, negatively impacting corporate profits and hurting investors in the process.