Subject: File No. S7-10-22
From: Amy Karony
Affiliation: Container Handling Systems

March 22, 2022

I strongly support requiring all companies to report climate-related disclosures. Since literally nothing but money and greed change people's actions, but adverse climate change still happens regardless of what the economy is doing, I think they should have to disclose the things they are doing that are harming our environment.
Sooner or later, individuals and businesses are going to figure out that climate change and the effects of it are bad for their business (and of course, the sustainability of human life). Eventually, I hope that investors start to see the value in supporting businesses with sustainable, non-environmental harming practices. And I also hope that some day we are able to sufficiently punish those companies (and the people that run them) who do nothing to mitigate the harmful effects of their business on the environment.