Subject: File No. S7-10-22
From: Chad Holland
Affiliation: Veteran

March 21, 2022

I would first like to applaud the SEC for possibly giving investors more information about potential investment opportunities that have a very real impact on there lives and the lives of there children and there children. I know this could cause some more work for corporations in the beginning and may increase costs but over the long term what costs could be saved by having this information and being able to advised by experts on this data to best proceed with proposed investment projects.I will finish with this thought, If knowledge is power imagine how much good having the knowledge of impact we may have on our planet and the data over long term may teach us to live more harmoniously with our inviroment like so many other species.Investors will now possibly have more choice in where they put there investments. Which I think is the ideology behind the SEC's proposal here which fits one of the main principles they were founded on to betttor inform as well as protect investors.