Subject: File No. S7-10-22
From: Joe Herbst
Affiliation: Accounting

March 21, 2022

Corporate America should not be forced to waste needless time trying to identify and quantify Risks as defined by the Radical Left and Communist Propagandists in our country and around the world. These Risks have been proven time and time again to be False Flags as part of political Agendas and thus, should NOT be part of any factual or estimated Disclosures that the SEC should be making Corporate America spend counter-productive time pursuing.

Maybe you should ask Al Gore to correct his Numerous FLASE Statements from 20+ years ago, wherein he stated (amongst dozens of other since-proven Lies) that NYC (the hub of the worlds Financial System) would be under 6 inches of water in 20 years because, last I checked, that has been FACTUALLY Proven to be FALSE 2+ years ago and counting. I could go on and on and on - but intelligent people should get my point.

Or maybe we should have Corporations Disclose the Risks associated with having our Federal Government Run a Ponzi Scheme (SS) that we KNOW for a FACT will begin to Materially Financially Blow up in about 12 years if the Government does Nothing.

Or better yet, maybe the SEC should go back to being Non-Partisan, and stick to making and adjusting appropriate Accounting Rules and Regulations, and then making sure that SEC Registrants abide by these Accounting Rules and Regulations and stay out of Partisan Politics.

Joe Herbst