Subject: File No. S7-10-21
From: Bhosdike Gandu

August 28, 2021

1. Do you have one or more online trading or investment accounts?
Yes, I have one or more accounts that I access both online using a computer and using a mobile app.

2. If your response to Question 1 is Yes, do you think you would trade or invest if you could not do so online using a computer or using a mobile app?

3. On average, how often do you access your online account?

4. On average, how often are trades made in your online account, whether by you or someone else?

5. If you access your account online, did you have the account first, and only began to access it electronically later? Or did you open the account with the idea that you would access it electronically immediately?

6. My goals for trading or investing in my online account are (check all that apply):

7. What would you like us to know about your experience with the features of your online trading or investment platform? (Examples of features are: social networking tools games, streaks, or contests with prizes points, badges, and leaderboards notifications celebrations for trading visual cues, like changing colors ideas presented at order placement or other curated lists or features subscription and membership tiers or chatbots.)

8. If you were trading or investing prior to using an online account, how have your investing and trading behaviors changed since you started using your online account? (For example, the amount of money you have invested, your interest in learning about investing and saving for retirement, the amount of time you have spent trading, your knowledge of financial products, the number of trades you have made, the amount of money you have made in trading, your knowledge of the markets, the number of different types of financial products you have traded, or your use of margin.)

9. How much experience do you have trading or investing in the following products (None, 12 months, 1-2 years, 2-5 years, 5+ years):
Stocks :
Bonds :
Options :
Mutual Funds :
ETFs :
Futures :
Cryptocurrencies :
Commodities :
ClosedEnd Funds :
Money Market Funds :
Variable Insurance Products :
Business Development Companies :
Unit Investment Trusts :

10. What is your understanding, if any, of the circumstances under which trading or investing in your account can be suspended or restricted?

11. What else would you like us to know positive or negative - about your experience with online trading and investing?
The only questions that matters. My orders do not go where intended to do so, which are to the companies on the public exchanges such as NYSE where they are listed. Instead, market makers such as Citadel, who have a history of fraudulence and manipulation (they have been fined over 60 times for this) are taking our orders and delaying them, thus suppressing the price of certain stocks. They have also been fined for not reporting millions of trades and delaying orders yet are allowed to continue. Head of NYSE and SEC themselves have said the accurate price isnt reflected for many stocks. This leads to the next negative point - why are over 60% of trading volumes occurring via dark pools for months for certain stocks? This is a clear violation of the intended use of dark pools and needs to be corrected at once. The blatant corruption in the stock market is astounding. The American stock market has tarnished its reputation and many will be pulling out their 401ks and their personal investments. As an immigrant who came here for better opportunities, I am extremely disheartened. Even the Pakistani stock market isnt as corrupt as the American markets.