Subject: File No. S7-10-21
From: Nick
Affiliation: Business owner

August 28, 2021

-Investing has the Power to change lives, Ive seen it in my self, and many others Ive met online. Many of us just want away to get ahead in life and this one way to do it. I dont want the sec to do anything regarding this. Let the platforms decide The SEC should remove Overburdensome regulation like pdt rule that are restrictive and actually hurt retail investors.

- Hello just a year I began investing using an online broker. the experience has been empowering not only have j learned about all the different kinds of assets but also about proper risk management and how to make a plan for my future that I feel comfortable
With. I couldnt have done it without having access to online brokages. These apps allowed me to safely and easily trade, invest, and research the different types of investments that I wouldnt have ever known about if they were somehow inaccessible or limited. I believe that every individual has a choice and should be allowed to access all those platforms they have changed my life simply by giving me the ability to be able to try and also improve on my skills as an investor.I dont think we should change anything. Not everyone is a meme investor, not thats bad its just I fear that the mainstream media has set a bad example with there coverage of retail as people who dont know who cant make informed decision for themselves. Its condescending and paints the wrong picture this isnt 2001 dot com bubble the internet is widely distributed and you can learn just about anything you set your mind too today. Regulation and protections may seem good and done in good faith but in my opinion they tend to do more harm than good.

-Thanks for listening Gary.