From: Garrett Grzybowski

May. 27, 2022

Mr. Gensler, can you please stop allowing MM’s and HF’s to continually manipulate our markets. DARKPOOL and PFOF need to be banned immediately!! The naked shorting, FTD’s are way out of control. These are NOT free and fair markets. These fines that are given are a joke. Doesn’t even affect these big players one bit compared to the amount of money they make ILLEGALY every day. You give MM’s and HF’s unlimited ability to unjustly short any ticker into the ground with NO accountability. If something illegal is being done and they get in trouble a bailout by you is not justified. Please do something to protect retail traders and not just the 1%. Currently, you are the biggest part of the problem snd have done absolutely nothing. A response to my message would be appreciated. Thanks