Subject: PFOF
From: Jeremy Lewis

Apr. 20, 2022

This commission is doing a poor job protecting the retain investor and the people becoming aware of it grows everyday.  It’s not just certain individuals that are losing interest in the stock market, it will be our kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews.  You all PFOF to continue knowing that it harms retail more then it helps, you allow market makers to manipulate the dark pool to suppress the price of certain securities.  You let companies be market makers, dark pool managers and hedge funds.  The SEC director has said the true price in certain securities is not being reflected.  Everyday you allow more crime to take place the movements for a fair and transparent market will grow.  Talking out of both sides of your mouth will not work, kicking the can down the road will not work.  I am begging you on behalf of millions of people do your job and help us!


Jeremy Lewis