Subject: File No. S7-10-09
From: Robert L Evans

June 16, 2009

At the expense of individual consumers, by way of increased costs and government bailouts, CEO's and company leaders of businesses that are publicly traded are siphoning off millions of dollars that could otherwise be used to grow profits and save failing businesses. I suggest that executive bonuses be tied to performance of a company's overall balance sheet and that shareholders have more say, with better disclosure, on how their investment monies are spent. There needs to be an end to the perception that a CEO and their managers need an endless compensation package, without accountability to the company they represent. If the mailroom clerk of the same company was used as an example, would they continue to get paid, get raises, or even have their job if they were costing, rather than making money for the company? The short answer is that everyone in the company, including the CEO should perform at the same level of profitability for a company that is using public money to operate.