Subject: S7-09-22: WebForm Comments from David Jaggard
From: David Jaggard

Oct. 13, 2022

October 13, 2022

 Any prohibition against fraud and manipulation from hedge funds, corporations and those with the ability to influence prices will help retail, so please pass this through. The odds are already stacked against the retail trader. The SEC should be working to protect the retail trader from malicious actions taken by corporations, hedge funds, market makers, etc.

To that end, anything adding transparency to what those with large amounts of money do behind closed doors should be highly prioritized since the retail trader is purposefully left out of the loop so that a few groups can have \"first dibs\" and always win and the retail trader is just left to trail behind.

Finally it should be telling that market makers, hedge funds, and wall street is so opposed to this ruling. Anything that levels the playing field is DIRECTLY in conflict with their profits. They don't want retail traders to have access to a fair market. The fact that the SEC has done so little in the face of manipulation, crime and deceit on such a broad level is disgusting. The least you can do is push this through and start doing more than just petty fines that are so small they are considered part of the \"cost of doing business.\"

Who do you work for? The retail traders? Or the few rich folks on wall street? Your decision on whether or not to push this proposal through will inform all of America whether you care more about protecting the average people of America or companies that only care about the bottom line and have shown countless times that they will lie cheat and steel in order to maintain power and profit margins.