mor Comments of . Marcos Morales on S7-09-22

Subject: File No. S7-09-22
From: Marcos Morales
Affiliation: Financial Engineer

March 30, 2022

I'm currently investing in the USA's stock market from Mxico.

As an investor, regulations like the Rule 10c-1 are always welcomed because I'm sure there might well be issues related to Securities Loans. Not to mention that the currently available data on loans -from private vendors- is expensive and incomplete because it's limited to some market participants, we don't happen to see the big picture.

This lack of accurate data and transparency leads to a deficient performance in retails investments.

I'm sure that approving this kind of rule will improve the price discovery not only for lending securities but in the market as a whole.

It's particularly important that this information is released at least in a daily manner, so all participants are informed about the current situation of the market.

Please make sure not to leave any kind of exclusions when it comes to the Lenders and categories because some participants might try to exploit these considerations.

When approved, I really hope that the SEC enforces this and the rest of the rules you're working on. Some punishment that comes to mind is barring participants from the industry, actually collecting the fines (I've read that most of the fines levied by that SEC aren't collected) and making sure that these fines are a real deterrent, not some mild speeding ticket that bad participants would gladly pay as the cost of doing business.