Subject: File No. S7-09-13
From: Harry Price
Affiliation: Become The Mastermind

September 27, 2014

Hey Ms. Mary Jo White,
My name is Harry Price. I am a company founder and I am interested in equity crowdfunding because I believe in the power of the community that surrounds it. I am Breakthrough Architect at Become the Mastermind and I help entrepreneurial individuals to break the chains of self defeat to learn to sell or continue to sell viable solutions using only their questioning's and abilities to be a bigger bolder and better brands. I would like to urge you and your colleagues to vote on the title III rules which were proposed back into thousand 12 and have been sitting eve since. I urge you to vote in support of the new title three rules which would legalize equity crowdfunding for non-accredited investors and would open a new road for me as an entrepreneur because I could hire more people to my team and give back to the community!

I believe this would be very good for the community and I appreciate you taking the time to listen to my concerns.

Harry Price

Breakthrough Architect

The Manifesto + Become The Mastermind

PS I own

However, it won't 'go live' until later this year for students