Subject: File No. S7-09-13
From: Ari Weinstein
Affiliation: Founder, DeskConnect, Inc.

September 26, 2014

Ms. Mary Jo White,

I am Ari Weinstein and I cofounded DeskConnect, Inc., a Delaware company that is dedicated to creating software suites including and I am looking to hire more developers and so right now I am raising capital. I have been interested in equity crowdfunding but noticed that there are not published official rules to deal with non-accredited investors. I have been interested in Title III but the SEC has not published anything final rules.

I am writing to urge you and your colleagues to get together and put a vote on Title III so that my partners and I can make the necessary decision regarding our capitalization options!

Our plan is to provide tons of job opportunities to people, especially hackathon hackers looking for job! We plan to employ at least 4 more developers given the funding we could raise with Title III.

Please make the decision!


Ari Weinstein

DeskConnect, Inc.