Subject: File No. S7-09-13
From: Alex Pelletier
Affiliation: Running Pi Studios, LLC

September 25, 2014

Running Pi Studios is a small startup dedicated to providing simple and intuitive applications designed to make your life easier. We make iOS and web based applications specializing in business-to-business sales; but we are dabbling in a slew of other projects. We are a team comprised of gifted High Schoolers committed to making great products that we can all stand behind. Our company is interested in equity-crowd funding and we want concrete information about the investors we can approach! We noticed that there have not been any final decisions made on Title III, though Congress passed the JOBS Act in 2012. My company is interested in hiring at least 3 people and then paying for advertisements to push our service! We are very excited and urge you and your colleagues to vote on the final rules for Title III.

 Alex Pelletier 

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Alex Pelletier
Co-Founder and CTO, 

Running Pi Studios, LLC