Subject: File No. S7-09-13
From: Otávio Dalarossa
Affiliation: CEO & Founder, Nvestly

September 19, 2014

Dear Ms. Mary Jo White, 

My name is Otávio Dalarossa and I am CEO & Founder of Nvestly, platform that lets you see what your peers are investing in. We show no dollar amounts, just percentages! Our California startup allows you to securely connect your brokerage account to share trades and compete with friends. 

I have been following the SEC’s activity around crowdfunding and noticed that there has been no publishing of any rules regarding Title III. This was promised to be delivered by 2013 ( Source). 

I am writing to urge you and your colleagues to make a motion to vote on Title III because that would open additional doors for my company to raise funding. We want our early supporters to benefit from what we are doing. With our raised capital, we plan to hire at least 4 people to our company and then create a student ambassadorship that would subsidize the living expenses for employees.

We want to push our economy and benefit our community of startup founders! Please help by voting on Title III and publishing clear rules so that we can plan accordingly. 

Thank you so much for your time! 

Otávio Dalarossa