Subject: File No. S7-09-13
From: Julian Sarokin
Affiliation: Simple Labs, Inc.

September 18, 2014

Dear Ms. Mary Jo White, 

I’m Julian Sarokin, Founder of Simple Labs, a startup design and development shop in Los Angeles. I have heard news about crowd funding a while back and have been waiting for the rules to be published after there was support by both Houses of Congress back in 2012. I am interested in reaching out to my network of friends for support in capital but the SEC has failed to make a decision on the Title III rules of the JOBS ACT. Not only will our economy benefit by more startups, but the innovation cycle will speed up if you and your colleagues make a decision to vote on Title III. 

Right now, I have a network of individuals who are interested in my business and cannot get any clear information of what to do because the rules need to be finalized. Our plan, if money is raised, is to open up a development shop at new headquarters and hire 3 developers to build out our platform. 

Please finalize the vote for Title III as soon as possible because our city needs the push in innovation! 

Julian Sarokin 

Simple Labs, Inc. 