Subject: File No. S7-09-13
From: Josef Holm
Affiliation: Co-Founder, CEO, Tubestart, Inc.

September 3, 2014

To Whom It May Concern

Tubestart is California based startup currently offering premium rewards based crowdfunding services to video and filmmakers.

A cornerstone of our growth strategy is offering clients a new way to raise capital by means of equity offerings to non-accredited investors via Title III crowdfunding.

Tubestart and the 11.500 film and video creators on our crowdfunding platform are eagerly awaiting the release of the regulations pertaining to Title III of the JOBS Act.

We have closely studied the proposed rules and find them workable for our business model, especially with new providers offering compliance services at a much lower cost than estimated.

While we would like to see some changes made to Title III in the future, our startup and our ability to grow and to create high paying jobs is directly depending on these rules being released as soon as possible.

I urge you to release the final rules and would like to close by saying thank you for all the hard work that you do for our industry.

best regards,

Josef Holm
Co-Founder CEO Tubestart, Inc.