Subject: Comment Letter for File Number S7-08-22 Short Position and Short Activity
From: Chuck Kuo

Oct. 29, 2022

Hi - 

I live in WA state and am a young professional working in software. I actively trade stock and have retirement accounts - a middle class millennial.  

At a high level, transparency is critical to how our society functions. The financial system, and stock market, is a black box for most, but it is important for everyone, not just in the states but around the world. It dominates our lives. 

Let's be real: The SEC, FINRA, the DTCC, and the fed are a revolving door of the top 1%. Fines are low relative to profit, and it appears that there is a systemic abuse of regulations that ultimately steal from every single person around the world. 

Let us see the swap and short sales data. It is in the public interest to know of these financial products and derivatives because of how important it is - the people deserve to know. 

We cannot let this continue. Show us the data. If there is nothing to see then there should be no problem with sharing it.  


Seattle, WA