Subject: File No. S7-08-20
From: Jonathan K Sheehan
Affiliation: none

August 20, 2020

I disagree with the increased threshold for filing. This system was put in place to help the average investor achieve a more level playing field and benefit by seeing what the professionals are buying and selling. By raising that threshold it provides fund managers who have been purposefully keeping their funds under the threshold to avoid reporting the latitude to greatly increase their profits while still not reporting which does not seem benefit anyone other than fund mangers while hurting the average investor. Many of us rely on following these larger investors for a view of the market health and overall direction as well as identifying opportunities and re-evaluating current positions and disposition. While larger institutions make major moves within the market which create the large waves we rely on still being able to follow the smaller and nimbler investors to find our best strategies. In conclusion, I wish to say I do not see a benefit to the general public by raising the limit and believe it will hurt investors who do not want to utilize large funds to manage their investments and pay what is essentially a tax for it. For those of us who are too small to be able to enter a hedge fund, but do not wish to entrust our retirements to people who get paid whether they provide a return or not, the ability to track the moves of these smaller individual investors and funds is critical. I implore you not to make this change. Thank you.