Subject: S7-08-20
From: N/A N/A

Jul. 16, 2020


Who in the world would think that this is a good idea? The “justification” for the rule change is highly questionable. When is less transparency and less data ever a good thing for the small investor? Some investors may want to avoid over-owned stocks, believing they have a high level of risk. This rule change greatly reduces individual investors ability to reduce their risk. The proposed rule change would be a loss for all of us - it would enable more corruption and opaqueness.

This can only hurt small traders/investors and provides little to no benefit or savings. Everyone is sick and tired of Wall Street gangsters lobbying to screw over the small investors looking to survive in this economy. It’s extremely disappointing to see this being proposed, and I urge you to please consider everyone in the market for once, not just the billionaire hedge-fund managers. Please do the right thing. 

Thank you,

Ryan Wroblewski