Subject: S7-08-18 comments
From: Mary Margolis
Affiliation: MBR Financial

June 28, 2018

I have read your proposed language for SS-08-18 Appendix C, D and E.  I believe each Appendix to be wordy,  confusing and misleading.

Relationships and Services
·         You equate asset-based fee with an Investment Advisory Account.  For wire-houses they provide an asset-based fee in lieu of commissions, not for ongoing advice.  Your wording is very confusing and not accurate.
·         “We offer a limited selection of investments” is so vague it is meaningless.  As an RIA, we can access all publicly traded investment products, just not proprietary investments.
Our Obligations to You.
·         For an Investment Advisory account, you do not define what a Fiduciary standard is.  For a brokerage account you make it sound like there is a fiduciary standard.  Your wording is extremely confusing and does not differentiate the two standards.
Fees and Costs
·         Brokerage accounts can be offered with transaction based fees or asset based fees.  Investment Advisory Services can be offered as an asset-based fee or a fixed fee.  Your wording is not accurate and confusing.
·         Your wording on a wrap fee program is inaccurate and misleading.  Clients’ can pay asset-based fees and NOT a wrap fee, particularly for accounts that are not traded frequently or unitize Non-Transaction Fee investments like certain ETFs.  Your wording suggests that an asset-based fee and wrap fee go together and the alternative is separately buying advice and using a brokerage account.  This is simply not true.
Conflicts of Interest
·         This section is very confusing.  While I agree that fee-sharing arrangements and referral fees need to be disclosed, your wording is confusing.  Additionally, as an RIA, I never act as a principal on a trade so it would be misleading to make such a statement.
Additional Information
·         Why state “we have legal and disciplinary events” when we have no complaints or other disciplinary issues on our record?  This is very confusing and misleading.
Key Questions to Ask
·         The issue is not whether to choose a brokerage account or a fee-based account.  The issue is what type of advice the client wants (continuous or periodic) and whether they want a professional with a Fiduciary Standard or merely a standard of care.  This is not explained in your document nor in the KEY QUESTIONS TO ASK.

I respectfully submit to you my opinions and comments and hope that you will consider them.

Mary Margolis, CFP, CPA*/PFS