Subject: S7-0818
From: Drew Tignanelli

Jul. 31, 2018

To The Honorable Chairman Clayton,

May I share my story with you to express why our country is in need of change in regards to the rendering of personal financial advice?

With the elimination of Defined Benefit Pensions and Social Security in need of long term repair the public has a critical need for professional unbiased advice. The time for professional advisors is necessary now and If not now, then when. President Obama tried through the Dept. of Labor that was unworkable in reality and only covered retirement assets. Today the government has the best opportunity to develop personal financial advice into a profession which makes our country financially stronger and less susceptible to overly exaggerated sales products designed to manipulate and earn product people money at the expense of unwitting clients. We did this with medicine, legal services and accounting. Where would our country be if these practices were not professionalized? Chairman Clayton you have the power to create a profession that is a legacy worthy of your service. I know the special interest are very powerful, but it is their greed and not concern for their employees that drives them. Their sales people who desire to could easily transform into true professionals. I did in 1995 and they too can.

The financial wellbeing of our nation rests in your hands and I urge you to consider creating personal finance into a declared profession like doctors, lawyers or accountants that are worthy of the public’s trust. America’s future retirees are dependent on sound advice and that will not come from commissioned sales. I say this from my own personal experience.

Thank you for your service,

Drew Tignanelli
July 31st, 2018 (my 61st birthday today!)

Andrew V. Tignanelli, CPA CFP®
The Financial Consulate, Inc.