Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: betty seay

May 4, 2009

A good follower holds his leaders accountable,.. the SEC is being held responsible for the financial losses of millions of Americans.. retirement/savings/college funds, etc due to the loss of the uptick rule... where is the oversight? Why do those who receive an elite education think they have the right to create consumer confusion and cheat regular Americans. The uptick rule must be reinstated and the SEC should fix all of the mistakes that were made under the Bush administration. SEC.. GET BUSY.. before regular Americans no longer believe they are getting a fair shake in the market, and that the system is rigged to benefit those who are in power at the expense of the working class. It is too obvious that the rich are getting bailed out for mistakes that would put working class Americans in jail. It is imperative that the rules governing the market be fair and encourage investment, not gambling and manipulation

It is time for the governing elite to realize their potential for creating a better America.... to pay back the benefits of their education/experience through public works and doing the right thing.