Subject: File No. S7-08-09

May 4, 2009

Having been a long term investor in the stock market, my confidence in market control mechanisms and a "level playing field" have been severely tested in the past 20 months. It has become obvious to me that the market is rigged and manupilated by well-financed major players (traders) who have no interest in the "little people" who have their life savings in this market. These deep pocket major speculators/traders have been helped tremendously by the abolition of the up tick rule, naked short selling and the double and triple short ETFs that allow them to manipulate the markets on a daily basis and make money at the expense of the long term small investor. My trust in the system has been broken and only the reinstatement of the earlier uptick rule, the aggressive policing of naked short selling and the withdrawal of double and triple short ETF's can start to restore some confidence that the market is not rigged and a place were suckers get separated from their money by the big money guys including hedgefunds and investment bankers.
I will be looking forward with great interest to your decisions. These decisions will have a major impact on the soundness of the equity markets and on what is left of the confidence the small investor might still have in capitalism itself.
Gerhard Westra