Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Alex J Miller
Affiliation: Retail investor

May 4, 2009

Over the last 30 years the hard working American worked has been put in the position of managing his or her 401K and IRA's. However, the average Worker has little or no experience navigating the financial markets.

They've never bought a "put" option let alone sold a stock naked short. The thought of selling something they do not own, and buying it back later after is has decreased in value, is foreign to them (and unamerican)as well as very risky. This puts them at a disadvantage to the professional wolves in the markets. They need something to help them invest and not get devoured by the wolves.

For this reason I vote YES to reinstating the "up tick" rule as it was before it was changed. We need your LEADERSHIP and ACTION to help the retail investor to grow their retirement savings so they can retire with dignity.