Subject: Short Selling S7-08-09

April 14, 2009

Concerning the rules to limit short selling, I am in favor of completely eliminating short sellers in any form. By definition they manipulate the markets without buying stock. This is very simply wrong… It is supposed to be illegal to manipulate the markets in any way. Short sellers are the worst of the bad because they upset the balance of market price without regard to anyone. If they could not make money for nothing, they would not exist. It is only because of a lapse in basic law interpretation and enforcement that they continue to practice.

The argument that they provide a service by drawing down overpriced stock is specious at best. They are selective about who they target, based solely on how mush money can be made and not who needs their service.

They must be made to buy and sell like everyone else.

Thank you,
Harvey Warr
Carmel, CA

p.s. it is very difficult to find how to submit a comment on the SEC website. A small link on the home page would work well