Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Thomas Menzel
Affiliation: Retired

May 4, 2009

My wife and I have just gone through the worst year of our lives financially due to the market crash, CMO, CDO's, wall street gambling with our money and bail outs for banks that
did not do due diligence when issuing mortgages to NINJA's. Now there is some positive steps that need to be taken to ensure that we can trust the market is a real market and not someone on wall street gambling with our future. The reinstating of the uptick rule is the first step in many that need to be taken. Why not allow a stock to first rise before you can sell it short. I hope all of the short sellers get what they sowed. Unfortunately it might be too late for my wife and I. But we need this rule for future generations.

Please institute this rule back into Wall Street.

Tom Menzel