Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: John Nguyen

May 1, 2009

The naked short selling should be made illegal and enforced otherwise what we saw late 2008 the damage of the financial stocks are just example of what the shorts have done to small companies for a long time now. They not only destroy stocks but companies and jobs/families behind these equities. I am a founders of two companies and I help create jobs, but it is very discouraging to see the criminals are allowed to do and the non-actions from our government make me want to throw up.

The first action should be to ensure no illegal activities such as naked short selling and related manipulations esp in small cap stocks that help create jobs Here are a few names (OVTI, LDK, ) that were/are on the REG SHO list for a long time but had no effect the REG SHO is a joke and we all know that Please do your job and eliminate the REG SHO and make naked short selling illegal and enforce it