Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Craig B, Fridley

May 8, 2009

I am for the re-instate of the uptick rule. (There should be one for commodities, too.) Why does history have to repeat itself for people to believe....

I understand the period of testing whether to keep this uptick rule was not very long and not the best period of time in which to fairly determine the elimination, or virtue of keeping the rule.

Naked shorts seems to me to be an outrageous way to trade. SEC seems to have become lacking in power under the republicans and I usually vote conservatively. You have my support in turning things back around for this modest investment investor.

Thanks and I shall continue to watch Mad Money with Jim Cramer, for updates, too.


Craig Fridley

P.S. My father (deceased) was a successful stock broker in Houston, Texas, from the early 1940's to the early 1970's. I wonder what he would think of the SEC today?