Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Sally Prescott

April 20, 2009

It is way past time to reinstate the
Uptick Rule. So much abuse has been
allowed by not doing so many years ago.
Allowing just a few to control our
markets is beyond belief. They always
move in unison and it is not the
retail investors selling or buying
as suggested by those on tv. It is
a few controlling and maniuplating
the markets with abandon, and it is
time to end this unfair, often rumor
driven activity. So much is wrong
with our markets today, and most
of it lies with the SEC not doing
what is fair for investors, rather
giving in to hedge funds and traders
who abuse the system constantly.
It's time to clean up Wall Street
and to end this power the few have
over the financial futures of the
As for naked shorting, we begged
you nearly ten years ago, to end
this vicious, crooked practice,
with a 96% response to your
request for comments...the most
comments you ever received in
your history...and yet, you
did nothing You allowed these
toxic lenders who profit when
the shares of a company who
borrows from them, fall, to
totally manipulate those stocks
and those investors who dared
to invest...their financial futures.
Don't do this again to Americans..
killing off good companies that
offer cures and new techs for
our futures and new jobs for
the economy. So much damage
has been done by naked shorters
that it may be too late to recover
these horrific losses, but it's not
too late for the SEC to move
now and end this nightmare for
retail investors. Traders AND
Market Makers should never again
be allowed to naked short any
stock whatsoever.