Subject: File No. S7-07-13
From: Thomas G Koch

September 25, 2013

You've got to be kidding: companies with tracking systems so elaborate they can tell how many bars of soap you bought complaining that they can't figure out how to compute a pay ratio? And the "exclusions" in the formula are pathetic.
This is quite clear cut, and any 3rd grade teacher could tell you the data to use.....and it had better include the value of stock options, golden parachutes etc.
Would take roughly 90 seconds with data already available.

You must really despise the average American to stretch this farce out for 3 years.
None of these guys are worth anywhere near what they earn.
And in the spirit of a free market capitalism, let them "step down' if their pay is cut and see what the market would pay them?

Will you for once, stand up to these jerks??