Subject: File No. S7-07-13
From: Harriet Levinson

September 24, 2013

I’m writing in support of a strong Dodd-Frank rule 953(b).

Disclosing corporate pay ratios between CEOs and average employees is the right thing to do on several fronts, including the public's right to know and should guide our government policies which so often are more favorable to corporations than to America's citizenry.

It is past time to bring to light the outrageous, greedy, truly reckless and wanton pay practices seen in so many corporations. 

Knowing which corporations are guilty of the most egregious practices will be a useful factor for me when considering which businesses to support with my consumer and investment dollars.  I would pray and certainly demand that our government uses this same criteria when giving out government contracts.

While I am aware that you are under intense pressure by business interests to weaken or abandon this and any other rule which shows them in their true life, I strongly urge you to do what you know in all good conscience is the right thing.

Do not give in. I beg you.  Please weigh your duty to protect investors and the American public against self-serving corporate interests who seek only to serve themselves.

Thank you for considering my comment,

Harriet Levinson

Santa Monica, CA