Subject: Comments for SEC proposal S7-6-22
From: Pascale Matar

Aug. 15, 2023


Would once again like to state a lack of support for this proposal because, as mentioned previous, keeping such rights limited to holders of the initial issued securities allows companies greater insights into the beliefs and viewpoints of those investors who perceive a non-financial value in their business, increasing the ability  and opportunities to identify, respond to, and reward holders of these rights whose opinions align with the companies goals and greater ethos, as such allowing them a greater certainty in acting in a way which is in agreement with those who purchased securities with the intention of supporting these ideals and greater outcomes of a company aside from the opportunity for financial gain.

Considering  the situation with a more cynical approach allowing outside institutions to secure these rights, possibly at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional investors if accessed through derivatives and other financial instruments, it is possible to end up in a position where representation is disproportionate in terms of previous commitment and support to a business at the expense of depriving the long term investors, who will be the main ones bearing the consequences of any resultant decisions, of their voices in these matters.

Thank you.