Subject: S7-6-22
From: Anonymous

Aug. 14, 2023

Dear All,

Hope this email finds you well. I strongly believe that insider trading should be illegal, reporting should be same day and only shares get rights. Derivatives should get no rights in the company and only the owners of the underlying asset/equity. A single option contract is worth 100 of the underlying for a fraction of the price. I could buy a boat load of 0DTE doomps and use that voting power to vote against what benefits the company. Short the company to the ground and make a lot of money with a fraction of the risk. This isn't investing, it's ruining a company whilst gambling on the demise of the company. There goes a company that adds economic value, tax paying employees losing their jobs and less services/products for the market. I hope I have made my point clear, as a retail trader/investor I am against derivatives having any rights. I am 100% against insider trading as it's supposedly illegal. If household investors get caught insider trading they will go to jail for a very long time if someone in an institution gets caught they get a small fine. Where is the market fairness? NO to insider trading. And I do believe that same day reporting is a must for market fairness and transparency. And please keep an eye on Hester Pierce I believe she does not have "Retails" best interest at heart. Thank you all for your time and effort.

Best Regards,

Household Investor/Trader