Subject: S7-06-22: Webform Comments from Brian Trezak
From: Brian Trezak
Affiliation: MD

Aug. 12, 2023

To Whom it May Concern:

I am writing to express my STRONG OPPOSITION to proposed rule S7-6-22.
In a market that is already plagued by accusations of manipulation and
fraud (see Citadel and GME short positions), the last thing we need is
a rule that reduces transparency. What do I mean? Well, the current
trend of fining hedge funds and others several million dollars for
impropriety when they've profited 100 times that is as impotent
as a patient who needs viagra. 

There needs to be a more solid and stronger effort to improve the
rights of us "little people" who view this as nothing more
than a naked attempt to subvert what little power we have in the
market and give it to those manipulators. And lastly, I don't
believe that insider trading should EVER be legal in any manner, shape
or form. 

I mean, can you imagine? There are members of Congress and our
government who are already ethically challenged. And you want to give
them carte blanche to take bribes in the form of insider information? 

Thank you for your time

So I would describe my position on this rule as a HARD PASS