Subject: S7-06-22
From: Dave Cazza

Aug. 2, 2023

I am submitting this comment in response to File No. S7-06-22 which I object to as currently proposed for the following reasons:

1. The reporting requirements need to be much shorter (same day).

2. Individual household investors would lose their voting right to Institutions.

3. Derivatives/ short positions by Institutions would count towards their ownership percentage.

4. The proposal would enable insider information sharing among institutions.

In closing, the SEC works for the citizens of the United States and has a duty to maintain a fair and legal financial marketplace which is currently anything but that. Retail/household investors rely on you to protect against bad actors who financially profit from loopholes in the law, and these proposed changes to S7-06-22 would further expand those loopholes in a system that has all but collapsed. Please do better.

Dave Cazza